Unshaken by Pandemic !!!!
Wildly Successful & established Italian / French bistro chain for Sale. Specialised in high-end (yet affordable) Western cuisines. It is highly regarded as one of the Best Western cuisines in Singapore, serving a tantalizing collection of dishes.
Estimated net margin is 30%
Asking price (based on 100% acquisition) is $3 mil
The business is offered at estimate 3x earnings ratio due to the portfolio's growth rate, the life-time-value of its customers, its immeasurable goodwill and strong brand recognition, and last not least, its untap potential for expansion. IPO potential !
Potential buyers pls call Vincent @ 90670575 for more info and discussion. Thanks !
Disclaimer :All the financial figures in the advertisement are estimates been quoted by the Vendor of the business. Buyers have to exercise their own due diligence. Bradford, Lim & Associates is not liable for any misinterpretation or inaccuracy of the Vendor's financial data.The information in the advertisement is for your references only, and may have changed since we last updated.