Established Asian restaurant chain with a rich heritage plus a central kitchen for sale. The restaurants are all in shopping mall area.
Total staff x 30 plus
Central kitchen is 2500 sqft approx.
Restaurant space ranges from 800 - 1000 sqft approx.
As Singapore's economy reopens, the robust F&B industry is set to restart. Seize the Opportunity !
Due to the P&C nature of M&A, prospective clients are required to sign NDA for additional info of the above business.
Interested parties pls call / whatsapp 90670575. Thanks !
Disclaimer : All the financial figures in the advertisement are estimates been quoted by the Vendor of the business. Buyers have to exercise their own due diligence. Bradford, Lim & Associates is not liable for any misinterpretation or inaccuracy of the Vendor's financial data.The information in the advertisement is for your references only, and may have changed since we last updated.